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Enhancing IT consulting services with the C4 model

When delivering our IT consulting services, we focus on establishing long-term partnerships. Achieving this requires the ability to clearly communicate our ideas, ensuring that our clients are confident their expectations will be met or even exceeded by the end of their journey.
c4 model for software architecture
c4 model for software architecture

    To this end, we strive to continuously improve our processes and adopt best practices, including the use of the C4 model to present software architecture. In this article, we will explain the C4 model and explain how our clients and company employees can benefit from embracing this approach.

    What is the C4 model?

    The C4 model simplifies the definition of software architecture by allowing users to “zoom in” on different levels of detail. In other words, it provides a representation framework for software systems that offers a well-structured way to approach architecture visualization without overwhelming stakeholders with technical complexity.

    Using the predefined abstractions, the model facilitates structural decomposition, which means breaking the software system down into smaller, more understandable parts. The relationships between components are shown as a hierarchical tree, moving from the highest level to the lowest. The top level shows the system as a whole and its interactions with users and external systems. The next level down presents the main technical components, called containers, such as databases or web applications. Further down are the main components within each container and their relationships. The lowest level illustrates the implementation of individual components using diagrams.

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    To visually present these levels, the C4 model uses the following diagram types:

    System context diagram

    What is it?

    A high-level overview of the entire system that shows how it delivers value to its users or external systems

    What does it include?

    • People
    • Software systems

    Why is it useful?

    • Clearly defines the context and scope of the software system leaving no assumptions.
    • Shows what is being added (at a high level) to an existing environment.
    • Serves as a starting point for discussion between technical and non-technical people.
    • Helps identify the right people to consult to understand how systems interact.

    Is it mandatory?

    Yes, every software system should have a system context diagram.


    c4 system context diagram
    c4 system context diagram
    c4 system context diagram

    Container diagram

    What is it?

    A breakdown of the system into main technical components (containers) that host and run code or store data. These separately deployable containers can be web apps, databases, file systems, and more.

    What does it include?

    • People
    • Software systems
    • Containers

    Why is it useful?

    • Makes the high-level technology choices clear.
    • Shows how containers are related and communicate with each other.

    Is it mandatory?

    Yes, every software system should have a container diagram.


    c4 container diagram
    c4 container diagram
    c4 container diagram
    The demand for quality products makes organizations build a strong quality management system to achieve high-quality processes and lower operational risks. In this article, we will find out what lies behind the concept of quality management, and why it is important for software development.

    Component diagram

    What is it?

    A detailed look inside a container which is a group of related functionalities working together behind a well-defined interface. Components themselves are not separately deployable, they run within a container.

    What does it include?

    • People
    • Software systems
    • Containers
    • Сomponents

    Why is it useful?

    • Shows how a container is broken down into components with their own responsibilities.
    • Highlights relationships and dependencies among components.
    • Gives a high-level overview of implementation details, like frameworks or libraries needed.
    • Can help understand the codebase structure if components are mapped to actual code.

    Is it required?

    No, because it is a low-level diagram, and details may change frequently during the project. It is only recommended for critical or complex parts of the system to avoid costly maintenance.


    c4 component diagram example
    c4 component diagram example
    c4 component diagram example

    Code-level diagram

    What is it?

    A representation of the programming language building blocks that create a component: classes, interfaces, enums, functions, objects, etc.

    Why is it useful?

    Connects the high-level components to the actual code, bridging the gap between architecture and implementation.

    Is it required?

    No, because this diagram can be generated from the codebase and changes often. It’s not generally recommended but can be used to highlight key components, patterns, or coding styles.


    c4 code diagram example
    c4 code diagram example
    c4 code diagram example

    Note: For object-oriented programming languages, the best way to do this is to use a UML class diagram. Today, almost all IDEs offer the ability to generate them directly from source code.

    Additional diagrams

    In addition to the basic C4 model diagrams, there are other types of diagrams that can provide further insights into software system architecture and behavior. Two common examples – deployment diagrams and sequence diagrams – are presented below.

    Deployment diagram

    What is it?

    A representation of how the software system or its containers are linked to the deployment infrastructure, such as physical servers, virtual machines, or execution environments like database servers or web servers.

    Why is it useful?

    • Shows how the system is deployed across different infrastructure components.
    • Helps understand the system’s scalability, resilience, and security.
    • Illustrates the deployment setup for different environments (e.g., development, staging, production).


    c4 deployment diagram
    c4 deployment diagram
    c4 deployment diagram

    Sequence diagrams

    What is it?

    A diagram that shows how various elements of the system (such as people, software systems, containers, or components) interact with each other over time to complete a specific task or use case.

    Why is it useful?

    • Visualizes the sequence of interactions and messages exchanged between elements.
    • Helps understand the system’s behavior and identify potential bottlenecks or areas for optimization.
    • Can be used to illustrate any collaboration between elements, not just at the code level.


    c4 sequence diagram example
    c4 sequence diagram example
    c4 sequence diagram example

    Data processing flow

    c4 data processing flow example
    c4 data processing flow example
    c4 data processing flow example

    These diagrams enable business analysts and solution architects to present clear, comprehensive views of project architectures.

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    Benefits of implementing the C4 model into IT the consulting process

    The C4 model can be a valuable tool for IT consulting services as it offers numerous benefits for all stakeholders. Below we cover just a few of these advantages.

    Enhanced understanding of the system

    The C4 model is a valuable tool for those involved in the IT consultancy process, enabling them to gain a comprehensive understanding of the software system they are working with. By creating C4 diagrams at different levels, consulting teams can visualize the structure of the system and identify its key components and dependencies.

    Improved communication with stakeholders

    The C4 model provides a visual representation that is easily understood by both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Architects and technical leads can utilize C4 diagrams to explain the system’s architecture, highlight important components, and demonstrate how different parts of the system interact.

    Identified areas for improvement

    By analyzing C4 diagrams, project managers and business analysts along with development teams can identify potential bottlenecks, performance issues, or areas for improvement in the software system. The clear visualization provided by the C4 model helps highlight aspects that may require attention, resulting in more effective problem-solving.

    Better decision-making

    The C4 model assists consulting teams in making informed decisions about system design, scalability, and technology choices. By visualizing the system’s architecture and dependencies, consultants can evaluate different options and assess the impact of potential changes.

    Unified project documentation

    The C4 model’s standardized approach simplifies documentation, making it easier to maintain and update. This ensures that your IT documentation is always accurate and readily accessible, facilitating knowledge sharing and onboarding of new team members.


    Implementing the C4 model in IT consulting services significantly improves the quality of deliverables and the clarity of communications with clients. This approach ensures that all stakeholders share a common understanding of the proposed software solution, its components, and how they interact with each other and the environment.

    By maintaining this structured approach to architecture visualization, we continue to build trust and deliver value when delivering our IT consulting services.

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