Сost of IT Outsourcing in Eastern Europe — EffectiveSoft
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IT services Costs in Eastern Europe

We conduct our own research and collect information when we are turned to with the requests for sub-outsourcing. Each vendor determines for itself the meaning of competitive price.
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The Rates for IT services in Eastern Europe
The Rates for IT services in Eastern Europe

    As a large IT software outsourcing company, we constantly monitor the prices for IT services in different countries. In general, the results of our research and monitoring fall within the objective global trends. In general, the results of our research and monitoring fall within the objective global trends.

    The costs of outsourcing IT services grow. The demand for custom software development services is steadily increasing year by year, resulting in higher rate growth. In contrast to the year 2000 (dotcom collapse), prices, repressed by competition on the global market, grow slower.

    Indian developers are still continuing to prevail on the market. Today the market share of Indian developers is not quite so large as it was 5-7 years ago. But they are still setting the lowest bar of prices. Few European vendors can offer competitive prices in comparison to companies based in India. However, IT services cost per hour is held at the level of $20-25.

    Why choose Eastern Europe?

    IT services in Eastern Europe

    IT services in Eastern Europe

    Competence costs a lot. The rates of highly qualified experts are not included in our chart. The prices for cloud expertise and natural language technologies differ from standard prices several times.

    Eastern Europe today offers the most profitable partners for outsourcing IT services. A large number of qualified specialists with higher education nevertheless does not affect the increase in the cost of software development. Compared to similar companies in the USA or Asia, customers can get the best service for less money.

    IT incubators keep prices low. National incubators (HTP-Belarus, Skolkovo Innovation Center (Russia), Czech Technology Park, etc.) create an enabling environment for work, letting companies work at lower rates. It sets the pace for a modest increase in prices for IT services in many ways.

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